Diocesan Secretariat
Bishop Emeritus of St Augustine
Most Rev. Felipe J. Estevez
"When I was 18 I made a Cursillo and that made a difference to my future.
Cursillo is an opportunity to live fully The Christian way ".
–Most Rev. Felipe J. Estevez, Bishop of St, Augustine
The Diocesan Secretariat is composed of clergy and laity, men and women. The whole Secretariat is entrusted by the Bishop with the responsibility of promoting, developing and directing the Cursillo Movement in a diocese. The authority entrusted to the Secretariat is to embrace, study, and promote the Charism of the Movement. The Lay Director should always be a lay person responsible for the organization and methodology of the Movement. The Spiritual Advisor, always a priest, deacon or vowed religious, is responsible for matters concerning doctrine and conscience. Other Secretariat members include the Chairperson for the School of Leaders, Precursillo, Cursillo, and Postcursillo sections and a Treasurer and Secretary. All Secretariat members have voice and vote. The members of the Secretariat come from the School of Leaders. Their selection places them in a position to be of greater service to the Movement. For members of the Secretariat, please click here Contact Us.
Spiritual Director
Fr. Ron Camarda
Lay Director
Sandra David
Post Cursillo (English)
Cari Kerr
Post Cursillo (Spanish)
Carri Morones
Communications (English)
Stephen Turner
School of Leaders (English)
Carl Ludwig
School of Leaders (Spanish)
Elia Vega
Assistant Spiritual Director (Spanish)
Fr. Rodolfo Godinez
3-Day Coordinator (English)
Kathleen Reilly
3-Day Coordinator (Spanish)
María Escamilla
Pre Cursillo (English)
Mary Kay Preston
Pre Cursillo (Spanish)
Jose Javier and Marisol Lopez
Communications (Spanish)
Jose Escamilla
The Responsibilities of the Secretariat Members and School of Leaders
The Fundamental Ideas of the Cursillo Movement strongly affirm that “The Secretariat will be in a position
to set up a Cursillo Weekend only when there is a sufficient number of persons – preferably, groups of persons
who, possessing the qualities outlined above, offer a well-founded hope that by working with other people
of good will, they will be able to Christianize their environments” (FI # 229). With the above advice, some diocesan Cursillo leaders have started to realize the necessity of finding time to evaluate the progress of their service to the Movement, namely the Cursillistas in their evangelizing mission in their ‘Fourth Day’ or Post-Cursillo. These leaders are commended for their brave efforts to modify, adjust, or change their direction in the best interests of their local Cursillo Movement. There is always room for improvement in order to effectively serve the Cursillistas who strive to live what is fundamental for being Christian in their environments. This commendable practice, by analogy, is like that of James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were ‘mending their nets’ on the shore to be ready for the next catch when they were called by Jesus to follow Him (Mc. 1:19).
The leaders may help their Cursillo Community revive and deepen its knowledge of the purpose, mentality,
essence, and Foundational Charism of our Cursillo Movement through various workshops administered either
by national, regional service teams or by its own diocesan Secretariat members and School of Leaders. There
should be a requirement also for the sponsors to attend a Sponsoring Workshop given by the Diocesan
Secretariat and School of Leaders in addition to their being Cursillistas in good standing, i.e. actively
participating in a Friendship Group and frequently attending Ultreyas. Some people, unfortunately, still
consider the Cursillo Weekend as the most important activity in our Movement and, therefore, the
Weekend becomes indispensable. Others even believe the Cursillo Movement will be “dead” in a diocese if
there are no Three-Day Cursillo Weekends put on every year. Certainly, it is very difficult for anyone to talk
about the Pre-Cursillo stage of our Movement to the majority of Cursillistas who still have the Three-Day
Cursillo mentality.
This situation reminds us of a passage in the Gospel in which St. Mark related to us: “Jesus told his disciples to have a boat ready for him because of the crowd, so that they would not crush him. He had cured many and as a result, those who had diseases were pressing upon him to touch him” (Mk 3:9-10).
Likewise, our Three-Day Cursillo Weekend has been so much overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and passion
of both the Cursillo leaders as team members and the candidates that the Weekend casts a foggy shadow
over the Pre-Cursillo and Post-Cursillo stages in our Cursillo Movement! If the Cursillo leaders gave excessive
attention, time, energy and enthusiasm to the Three-Day Cursillo Weekend, the whole Movement would
probably be crushed very soon. This incident befittingly cautions the diocesan Cursillo leadership against
misusing the Cursillo Weekend by following the crowd to lead our Movement in the wrong direction. In
conclusion, Jesus’ command “Go and make disciples of all nations” must be thenatural outcome of our
Cursillo Weekend if it is administered properly and effectively by a team knowledgeable of the essence,
the mentality, the purpose and the methods of Cursillos de Christiandad. Dostoevski saysthat the worst
enemies of a movement are those who become its promoters without understanding its mentality.